
AHLA Foundation Issues 2022 Report on Diversity of Hotel Industry’s Public Company Boards

2022 “Diversity of Hospitality Industry Public Boards” research report

WASHINGTON (August 2, 2022) – The American Hotel & Lodging Foundation (AHLAF) – a philanthropic organization that aims to elevate, educate and empower the hospitality workforce – today released the 2022 “Diversity of Hospitality Industry Public Boards” research report.  Aiming to create an industry “as diverse as the guests we serve,” this research aligns with AHLA’s 5-year, $5 million commitment to advance DE&I across the hospitality arena.

The research findings represent data about hospitality industry public company boards after reviewing 30 companies and 262 board members. They reviewed 10-k filings on corporate brands of public hospitality companies based in the United States. Using a data range of six years to track progress, some of the key findings include:

Research was conducted by the Castell Project, an organization dedicated to advancing female leaders in hospitality. AHLA Foundation and Castell Project recently merged and together and share their same values of bringing diverse voices to the top.

“This research is crucial as part of the AHLA Foundation’s commitment to advancing diversity in hospitality,” said AHLAF Vice President of Workforce Development Sarah Cozewith. “As part of our merger, we are proud to welcome BUILD and ELEVATE into the AHLAF family. These programs are two shining examples that allow mid-level and senior-level female hoteliers to craft their skills and move into higher level hotel positions.”

“While there is still work to do, we are proud to see the industry making DE&I a priority and look forward to tracking continued progress in 2023 and beyond,” said Peggy Berg, founder of the Castell Project. “As we aim to advance female leaders in the hospitality industry, we continue to move in the right direction and are committed to hitting our goals.”

Click here to view the full report.